Paulius Jankunas joins Zalgiris’ front office 6

Paulius Jankunas is starting a new chapter in his career this week. After 18 years of defending Zalgiris Kaunas’ honor, Jankunas is now set to become the assistant to Zalgiris GM Paulius Motiejunas.

“I met Paulius yesterday,” Jankunas talked about his new phase of life on the club’s #ZalgirisOnAir podcast. “My new job – assistant GM. As much as it can be strange from a basketball player’s perspective, I’d never had a right hand in my whole career. Now, I’m going to be the right-hand man to Paulius Motiejunas.”

“Everything’s new to me,” the Zalgiris legend told. “I found out that not only players have to pass a health check.”

After joining the team in the front office, Jankunas immediately joined the search for new players for the upcoming season. Negotiations with a few of the players are already in advanced stages.

“Everything is new in the sense that I found out how all the processes work. I see how everything’s being done from the inside, how the entire mechanism works,” the newly-appointed assistant GM said during the podcast. “That’s my future. I’m a newbie here. I want to learn as much as I can in as little time as possible.”

“I can’t say anything until the documents are signed. The negotiations with some players are in advanced stages, some players have already received offers, and others are still being analyzed,” Jankunas explained. “Some positions are prioritized. If it works out, you build other parts of the team around those players. That’s how it works.”

Jankunas spent 18 years in Zalgiris Kaunas. He also remembered his best matches throughout his long-tenured career, talked about teambuilding principles and answered questions for Zalgiris fans.


  1. Blogai

    kai į tokias pareigas skiriama pagal pažintis. Išmoks?!? Gal būt. Bet juk reikia dirbti čia ir dabar, o ne kai išmoks.
    Galvojau, kad žmogus turi savigarbos. Pasirodo klydau.

  2. praeivis

    :)))) tai kad čia ne mokytis o dirbti reikia … Tfu, švogerynas sumautas …

  3. 709

    Niekas negime mokedamas vaikscioti ar kalbeti.Kam tas negatyvas dar nepradejus darbu.

  4. gh

    o kas bus sporto direktoriumi? ar cia tos pacios pareigos tik kitu pavadinimu?

  5. Darius

    Schilerį irgi pasirinko su perspektyva, kad išmoks. Kuo baigėsi ? Pasodino į kėdę mokytis. motiejūnas labai mėgsta pasirinkti žalius žmones, tai buvo su Krapiku, kuris mokėsi, bet išskrido dėl įsiutusių sirgalių, kurie jau nušvilpinėjo trenerį, Štombergą buvo paskyręs mokytis. Nes autoritetas Sabonis irgi taip elgėsi, buvo paskyręs Bagatskį “pabandyti”. Pabandė Grigą pabandė Brazį. pabandysime Jankūną, ne treneriu, bet duokime žmogui laiko, gal po dviejų trijų metų pradės gaudytis, kas žino. Juk nebandęs, reikia pabandyti. o mes tuo tarpu pabandėme suvirškinti trečią vietą LKL-e

  6. Fan

    Kas bus sporto direktoriumi