Zalgiris says goodbye to Tyler Cavanaugh 6

Zalgiris Kaunas has said goodbye to one more member of the 2022-2023 Lithuanian champion team.

Tyler Cavanaugh, 29, who has been a member of Zalgiris since 2021, will not be returning to Kaunas in the upcoming season.

“We thank Tyler for his years in Kaunas. He was an important part of the team, but it’s time for a change, which could help the team and the player himself. We are already working and looking for Tyler’s replacement”, – said the new Zalgiris GM Paulius Jankunas.

In the just concluded Betsafe-LKL championship, Cavanaugh averaged 18 minutes per game, scoring 7.4 points and grabbing 3.3 rebounds per game.

In the EuroLeague, Cavanaugh averaged 5.9 points and 4.3 rebounds.

“Lithuania will always remain in my memories. Kaunas means a lot to me and my wife – our daughter Josephine was born here this year. I am very happy for all the memories that happened here. Winning the title was also very special. The two years here have been unforgettable and the Zalgiris fans are incredible. See you soon!”, said Cavanaugh as he waved goodbye.

Zalgiris Kaunas thanks Tyler Cavanaugh for his two seasons with the team and wishes him the best of luck in his future career.


  1. .

    Nelabai nustebau – TC yra lėtokas, prastai dalinasi kamuoliu, jo aikštės matymas tik vidutinis. Man keista, kad Žalgiris nesistengė išlaikyti Polonaros: antrą kartą tokia prga gali ir nepasitaikyti.

  2. Saulius

    Gera naujiena

  3. Linas

    Ribotų galimybių žaidėjas,ypač gynyboje ir žaidime vienas prieš vieną.Į jo vietą reiktų ne tik tritaškius pataikančio,bet ir fiziškesnio ketvirto numerio…nežinau ar ganduose esantis K.Wiltjeras būtų labai jau didelis upgreidas.Polonora savo žaidimu parodė,kad Žalgiriui nelabai ir reikalingas,trumpalaikiai jo blykstelėjimai neatpirko nuolatinio š… malimo.Sėkmės Tyleriui kitoje komandoje.

  4. to .

    polonora per menesi gaudavo 70k~ tau cia normaliai pagal jo zaidima?

  5. Samb

    Del T C avaanaaugh gall ir gerai bet kad mvp nori paleisti tai ciia bus klaida Taylor dar daugiiau atsiskleis kita sezona

  6. 😥

    Deja, ir Taylor, ir Cavanaugh… Nieko gero nebus.