Zalgiris GM Motiejunas: ‘We can all contribute to making the situation better’ 11

At the beginning of this season, Kaunas Zalgiris director Paulius Motiejunas has already made several difficult decisions.

The team said goodbye to head coach Martin Schiller who was replaced by experienced Slovenian Jure Zdovc. Moreover, the Lithuanian powerhouse parted ways with the American guard Emmanuel Mudiay and invited Zoran Dragic and Tai Webster to strengthen the Green and Whites roster.

According to Motiejunas, Zalgiris, who are still looking for their first Turkish Airlines EuroLeague victory, are not showing their game yet. In the Zalgiris Insider conversation, Motiejunas spoke about the problems and answered the subscribers’ questions.

“There are two sides that both players and coaches understand. On the managerial side, the situation is as good as possible for both players and coaches – in terms of salaries, charter trips, training conditions. We have always had it,” said Zalgiris GM.

“The next thing is the game. We are all responsible for the result, we do not run away from responsibility, and we take it. That dialogue with the players – all together and individually, and with the coaches – is happening, and we’re looking at where we can all contribute to making the situation better.”

After eight consecutive defeats in the EuroLeague and a setback on the local front against Rytas Vilnius, Motiejunas claimed that there were objective reasons, why the newly joined specialist Zdovc had not yet managed to get the team playing properly.

“In the beginning, there was no practice at all because there was a match after the match. The next thing – he arrives at a whole new system. I do not want to say that these are excuses, but these are the real reasons why it is difficult for him. He doesn’t know those players, but now I would say that the players don’t know themselves.

When you see those pale faces as they play, I’m sure each of them are better than they actually look right now. You need to get to know the players as they are now and discover the qualities to improve their gameplay.

It is clear that the arrival of a new coach is not what we would all like. But there are all reasons for that, and we hope that the situation will improve,” told Motiejunas.

Bringing two newcomers to the backcourt line, Zalgiris are still looking for an addition to the big men department.

“There was a lot of discussion about replacing Emmanuel with two other players. But financially, we were almost unaffected by this move. After sacking Mudiay, we spent the money on two newcomers.

We choose carefully regarding position 4. We are thinking about a long-term strategy, maybe next year. We do not want to bring a player who would cover the weaknesses just for this season. But whoever comes now, he will not change the face of the whole team. There are problems in other positions too,” the Lithuanian explained.

Asked about the team’s vision and future, Motiejunas admitted that many lightning-fast decisions would not radically change the game and results, so the club emphasizes moving forward with the current line-up.

“We don’t believe in quick solutions. The key now is to revive these players we have. Especially those with whom we have long-term contracts. We need to see if we can build the team around them next season.

At the same time, we need to look at the case of Dragic and Webster, whether they can be the team leaders next season,” said Zalgiris’ director.


  1. nagi

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  2. Aha

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  3. www

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  4. Darius

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  9. A. Masėnas

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  10. Linas

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  11. vytautas

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