Zalgiris starts off season with win in Klaipeda 6

Zalgiris Kaunas began the 2022-2023 Betsafe-LKL campaign victoriously. The green-and-whites defeated Neptunas in Klaipėda 79-71 in their season opener.

The game was tightly matched early on, as the two sides traded baskets in the first quarter for a 20-18 Zalgiris lead. The visitors managed to shoot up by double-digits with some solid play from their frontcourt, and headed into the second half with a tangible lead.

While Neptunas managed to battle back to cut the margin to within a couple of baskets, but the men in green-and-white managed to retain composure, made their free-throws and took the season’s first official victory, 79-71.

Zalgiris was led by Kevarrius Hayes, who had 14 points and 8 boards. Ignas Brazdeikis neared a double-double with 13 points and 9 rebounds, while Keenan Evans finished the game with 12 and 6. Tyler Cavanaugh also ended the game in double-digit scoring with 11 to his name.


  1. Sigis

    Nu ka galas kaip eurocempe,maskvytis nevaldo komandos

  2. 709

    Visus su naujo sezono pradzia ir pirma pergale oficialiose rungtynese.

  3. Linas

    Prieš Neptūną ir daugumą Lkl komandų užteks tokio fiziškumo,bet Eurolygoj dar ir su tokiu pataikym

  4. Linas

    Prieš Neptūną ir daugumą Lkl komandų užteks tokio fiziškumo,bet Eurolygoj tas neveiks,ypač su tokiu pataikymu iš toli.Dimša su Lukošiūnu tiesiog snaiperių snaiperiai…

  5. Samb

    Palaukime Eurolygos tada ir snekesim Evans ryškiai žaidžia viena koja kiti irgi nepersistengti taip kad palaukim

  6. nesuprantu

    tai Klanietis net su neptunu per silpnas zaisti? Tai su kuo jisai zais? Su tokia alga? TUretu sazines truputi , jam jau reikia perismesti i futbola kur yra netgi akcininkas.