Zalgiris defeats Rytas in Zalgirio Arena 5

Zalgiris Kaunas returned to the Betsafe-LKL competition victoriously. Kazys Maksvytis’ team defeated Rytas Vilnius 81-75 on the home court and solidified their position at the top of the standings.

The two teams got off to a high-scoring start, with shots falling on both ends of the court. Nevertheless, a three-minute hiatus allowed the visitors to jump ahead, as they posted a 20-25 lead after the opening quarter.

Zalgiris came right back with eight consecutive points to pull ahead. The game swung back in Rytas’ favor, as they managed to return to a 7-point advantage.

The intrigue never died in the game, as Zalgiris tied it up going into the final 10-minute stretch. The hosts managed to put together a tangible lead after an opponent’s unsportsmanlike foul, going ahead 73-62.

The green-and-whites managed to hold on to an advantage and ended up winning the game by six.

Zalgiris was led by Tomas Dimsa, who scored 13 points. Rolands Smits and Dovydas Giedraitis added 12 points apiece, as Ignas Brazdeikis and Kevarrius Hayes ended up with 10 each. Edgaras Ulanovas, Arnas Butkevicius, Laurynas Birutis and Lukas Lekavicius all finished with 6 points to their name.


  1. BBD meras

    Šiaip ne taip išbezdėjo pergalę su teisėjų pagalba

  2. 709

    Su pergale.

  3. Darius

    bet kaip jiems patinka nepersokus grovio tarti op, Miuncheno neuzteko, tai nudusisiai Statybai laimetas rungtynes nusprende dovanoti, likus minutei nustoja zaisti. Bet ant kiek primityvu zaidima zaide Vilnius… ir vistiek gale priverte visus pasinervuoti. Gerai, kad nustebino Giedraitis. Sunkios rungtynes, o maniau suspardys tuos raudonuosius

  4. Giedraitis

    Aisku cia x faktorius jei ne Giedraitis neaisku kaip butu buve pasibaige kaip Maksvytis sako reikejo sviezumo aisku nevisi gerai suzaide Dimsa nesugeba 4 5 baudu susimest

  5. suspardys

    tuos cempionus kai tures vienodas salygas pasiruosimui , o dabar ir taip gerai . smagu kad giedraitis jau antras rngt rodo gyvybe, bet nesmagu del lukosiuno , sminga vis zemyn