Zalgiris dominates from the start to beat Jonava 6

Zalgiris Kaunas (5-0) had no problem in their Betsafe-LKL home game. Kazys Maksvytis’ team defeated CBet Jonava (4-1) by 86-69 (27-10, 20-15, 22-20, 17-24) at Zalgirio Arena, despite resting Edgaras Ulanovas and Rolands Smits.

Naz Mitrou-Long started the game with free throws and a three-pointer, Danielius Lavrinovicius and Lukas Lekavicius made a basket each, and Laurynas Birutis scored six points for a 15-5 lead. Mitrou-Long made two consecutive 3-pointers from long range, Arnas Butkevicius and Dovydas Giedraitis scored two points each, and Brady Manek made no mistakes at the free-throw line, 27-10.

Kevarrius Hayes scored four points, Keenan Evans got to the basket with a foul, and Tomas Dimsa hit a three-pointer, 37-17. Birutis scored from under the basket, Lekavicius added five points and Nedas Montvila made a three-pointer at the end of the second quarter, 47-25.

After the break, Giedraitis made a three-pointer, Birutis scored four points, and Lavrinovicius added five points, 59-35. Manek tabbed three points, Birutis dunked twice, and Dimsa made a 3-pointer, 69-45.

Mitrou-Long started the last quarter with five points, Hayes converted a free throw and Giedraitis made a three-pointer again, 78-54. Mitrou-Long boosted his tally to 18 points, Lekavicius hit free throws and Manek scored four points to seal the victory, 86-69.

In addition to Mitrou-Long’s 18 points, Birutis collected a double-double of 16 points and 11 rebounds, while Lekavicius and Manek scored 9 points each.


  1. 709

    Su pergale! Dabar geros keliones i Ispanija.

  2. Zalgiris

    Puikiai ir komanda sureagavo I nusiteikima nuo pat pradzios ir lyderius pataupius.

  3. Trojus

    Puiku. Šaunuoliai.

  4. Samb

    Aisku Jonava ne Real bet nesuprantu vieno dalyko pralaimi musu visu Zalgiriukas tai su sudais sumalam o dabar tai nors parasykit kad mes su tavim Zalgiri

  5. 💚💚💚

    Mes juk visada su “Žalgiriu”, kad ir kas būtų…😊 O vakar mūsų “Žalgiriukas” tikrai pradžiugino – pagaliau be vargo įveikė Jonavą ir “magą” V. Šeškų. 😉 Šaunuoliai! Yra vilties, kad šis sezonas LKL mums bus lengvesnis. Sėkmės, vyrai, Ispanijoje!

  6. 💚💚💚

    Beje, Virginijus Šeškus – iš tiesų charizmatiškas, puikus treneris. Ir Jonavos komanda simpatiška su visais savo ištikimaisiais sirgaliais… Sėkmės ir jiems, tik ne su “Žalgiriu”. 😉