Mario Delas about his youth, Kaunas and football 0

After joining Zalgiris in mid-season, the talented Croatian forward Mario Delas is facing up to new challenges and the life playing abroad. According to the prospect from Split an opportunity to play in Zalgiris means a lot to Delas – not only for improving his skills, but to prove his value.

Mario Delas is already getting fully adapted to the schemes of Zalgiris and his game has been on an improving curve. The forward is averaging 9,8 points, 4,5 rebounds and 1,5 assists per game in the Baltic Basketball League (BBL) Elite division.

“I was born at the time that Split dominated European basketball, but, of course, I don’t remember anything from those days,” Mario Delas explained. “When I started to get interested in sports, football was the top sport in Split.”

“Football is the most popular sport in Croatia and Split isn’t an exception. Nowadays, handball probably passed basketball as well in popularity,” Delas told the about the situation in Croatia. “We, basketball players need to step up to bring back basketball to at least to the second position.”

Delas remembers that if it wasn’t for his older brother Ante and his father Vice he would be an ordinary student, rather than a basketball player.

“With our neighbours, friends and cousins we were always playing football. Being so tall, I can’t imagine myself as a professional in that sport,” Mario Delas thought out loud.

Such former legends as Dino Radja and Toni Kukoc have played a part in the evolution of Mario Delas basketball career.

“Radja is the President of Split’s basketball club, so he was not only my ideal, but also a teacher in the practices, which he sometimes visited. He usually worked with bigmen, so I got the chance to learn much from of the best European players of all time.”

“We have a good U-20 player team, which will play at home in Croatia this summer. I’m not thinking about the men National Team,” said the forward, who’s concentrating on playing for Zalgiris at the moment.

Mario Delas says that he doesn’t feel a discomfort playing with older players. “I’m already 20-years-old and I can’t say I’m really young – I can earn court-time myself.”

“I’ve heard opinions that I’m not athletic enough. It’s true to some extent, but I don’t think that it’s a big minus. I try to play with my head, use some post moves. Basketball is a team game, where everyone can use his strengths,” Delas says.

The Croatian used to take advantage of the great Mediterranean weather in Split going for walks by the sea, admiring the great scenery. “Until now, there hasn’t been much sunshine in Kaunas, I haven’t found a sea as well,” Delas joked around. “I like to watch football. When I want to get away from basketball, I always watch the Champions League games.”

“You know, in Croatia there’s a saying: ‘work as if you’re planning to stay for a hundred years, but always be ready to leave’. I’ve had offers from all around Europe last summer, but Split didn’t want to let me go. I was planning to spend this season in Croatia, but the clubs came to agreement very quickly and I only had a couple of days to get ready for the move,” Delas explained the situation. “I’ve got used to Kaunas, the people are friendly, the club and the teammates are always helpful. I’m happy with the opportunities that I was given in Zalgiris.”
