Zalgiris finishes 2017 with a win in Utena 9

With their horrific start of the Betsafe LKL season out of the rear-view mirror, Juventus gave the league-leading Zalgiris a run for their money on their home floor in Utena to in the last gameday of the calendar year.

Despite their excellent form in EuroLeague, the defending Lithuanian champions from Kaunas had to hold their breath until the final buzzer to inscribe a 78-74 win over Juventus.

The hosts were on even terms with Zalgiris midway through the fourth quarter at 54-all, but fell into a four-minute scoring drought that allowed the guests to break away down the stretch.

Kevin Pangos led the winners in scoring with 15 points, Axel Toupane collected 13, while Arturas Milaknis and Aaron White chipped in with 11 and 10 points, respectively.

For Juventus, Laron Dendy, Anthony Ireland and Dovis Bickauskis all had 13 points each.

The win allowed Zalgiris to finish 2017 with a league-best 15-2 record, while Juventus are 6-11 in the standings after taking some time to get rolling.


  1. delfi

    pazymiai zalgirieciams komandos rezultatas dieviskas bet pirmunai tik du

  2. x

    labai patinka kaip toupanas ant lentos pagaliau ima lipt. va tokio jo ir reikia

  3. Fanas

    Nafiga ta subingalvi kreivaranki Valinska i aikste leisti, kelios rungtynes is eiles kai tik sis degradas iseina i aikste – tai arba kokia nesamone ar klaida, padarys, arba kai pasigaus kamuoli, tai jo neduos niekam, nors ir visiska sikna butu. Toki lopini apskritai reikia nebeleisti i aikste – kai jis aikstej kiek pastebejau rezultatas iskart eina i minusa arba isbarstoma persvara, kazkokia juoda karma pas ji. Ateis Udrihas, tai manau sito lopo visai Saras i aikste neleis, jau geriau Arlauska daugiau leistu, is to bent nauda yra.

  4. ot tai jaunimas..

    perspektyvus musu jaunieji – valinskas, masiulis… siandien draskesi kaip liutai…

  5. Valinska

    Skolint reikia, nepatobules jis tiek žaisdamas, ir lygis jam Lkl pirmo penketo per aukštas, grybauja stabiliai

  6. zalgiris

    Na svarbu isgyveno drama utenoi na utenoi visada nelengva zaist

  7. kaunas

    saras jega

  8. kaunas

    padarem trenirovke ir dabar po nauju lupsim kaili serbu zviozdom hey hey zali jega

  9. Darius

    Ne Utenoi, o Utenoj. O Valinska reikia ne skolinti, o zaisti duoti. Tegu zaidzia cia ir grudinasi, jei dirbs, is jo bus geras krepsininkas.