#ZalgirisOnAir podcast goes in-depth with Thomas Walkup 16

#ZalgirisOnAir returns with its sixth episode and a special English episode with Thomas Walkup at the other side of the table.

This time, it was just Rytis Kazlauskas running the show, as he talked to the second-year Zalgiris’ American all about his hometown, the start to his career and other interesting topics.

The 27-year-old Walkup was born and raised in Texas, and he was quick to debunk some of the stereotypes that float around about his home state. He also revealed a little bit about his family and the family business.

“I just live in a regular neighborhood, right outside the city of Houston. It’s not like I’m living on a farm, harvesting my crops… We have a small family business, metal fabrication. There was a time where we had four generations of Walkups working there.”

Walkup, who recently signed an extension with Zalgiris, talked about his first steps in basketball, practicing with NBA superstars and moving to Europe. He also revealed a story of his first contact with Zalgiris.

“We had just beat Bamberg at home, who were a EuroLeague team. It was my first year here, so them being a EuroLeague team was still a bit “whatever” to me. They were struggling in the German league, and we were second or third. So all I understood was that we’ve got to beat these guys. I got a lot of messages from agents in my agency about having a great game. :I played well, but I played better in other games… So that was the first time I realised there were different levels to European basketball. EuroLeague, EuroCup, Champions League, Europe Cup… Soon after that game my agent called and told me Zalgiris is interested. I had to do some research before I could tell him anything. That was the Final Four year, and I followed them for a while and couldn’t believe that I’ll be a part of this.”

To end off the podcast, Thomas answered a number of blitz questions and the ones sent in by the viewers.

Watch the #ZalgirisOnAir podcast in Zalgiris’ YouTube channel and all the main podcast platforms.

You can also follow #ZalgirisOnAir news on Facebook and Instagram.



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