Recommendations and information concerning the coronavirus 1

In reaction to the spreading of the coronavirus in Europe, the Ministry of Health Extreme situation center has issued recommendations and information concerning the coronavirus:

– To assess the risk before leaving Italy by addressing the risk of each individual (measuring the body temperature and questioning whether they have visited any territories affected by the COVID-19, including Northern Italy and other territories, and whether they could have had contact with a possible COVID-19 case).

– During the travel, a special form is to be filled out – a visitors card, that is filled out in public health concerns, or in another data collection form, that is to be filled out in an airport in Lithuania or another country.

– Information about the people traveling will be provided with the assessed risks and filled out forms to the responsible institution in the Ministry of Health – the National public health center in the Ministry of Health, so the situation could be overlooked, and if needed, action could be taken.

– When arriving to an airport in Lithuania, body temperature checks will be taken for every arriving individual.

– Preventive measure is to be taken in the arena itself, with additional disinfection and hygiene possibilities, and medical masks for visitors with fever-like symptoms.

– Arena visitors must be maximally informed about the importance of preventive measure: washing hands, using the correct hand disinfection means, addressing the correct coughing and sneezing etiquette culture-

– People who are feeling fever-like symptoms or have visited COVID-19 affected territories in the last 14 days are urged not to attend the game.

– Ensure additional medical personnel at the game, so that in case of any situation, medical attention could be given as soon as possible.

– Ensure that spectators would be informed by public information means about the threats of the COVID-19 and they should have the decision to chose whether to participate in the game or not.


  1. Andreas

    Ar jus tikrai zinot ka darot? Ar jus tikrai ivertinot ta rizika? jus dar gal nesuprantat kaip plinta ta virusas. Lietuvoje net apsaugine priemone nebera nusiprkti. I viska tik del pinigu. Tikrinot temperatura. Ar gal nezinot kad zmonu su virusas kartais ne turi temperatura? Nesamone kas viska lietuvoje su sveiktos apsauga.