Recommendations and information concerning the coronavirus 1
In reaction to the spreading of the coronavirus in Europe, the Ministry of Health Extreme situation center has issued recommendations and information concerning the coronavirus:
– To assess the risk before leaving Italy by addressing the risk of each individual (measuring the body temperature and questioning whether they have visited any territories affected by the COVID-19, including Northern Italy and other territories, and whether they could have had contact with a possible COVID-19 case).
– During the travel, a special form is to be filled out – a visitors card, that is filled out in public health concerns, or in another data collection form, that is to be filled out in an airport in Lithuania or another country.
– Information about the people traveling will be provided with the assessed risks and filled out forms to the responsible institution in the Ministry of Health – the National public health center in the Ministry of Health, so the situation could be overlooked, and if needed, action could be taken.
– When arriving to an airport in Lithuania, body temperature checks will be taken for every arriving individual.
– Preventive measure is to be taken in the arena itself, with additional disinfection and hygiene possibilities, and medical masks for visitors with fever-like symptoms.
– Arena visitors must be maximally informed about the importance of preventive measure: washing hands, using the correct hand disinfection means, addressing the correct coughing and sneezing etiquette culture-
– People who are feeling fever-like symptoms or have visited COVID-19 affected territories in the last 14 days are urged not to attend the game.
– Ensure additional medical personnel at the game, so that in case of any situation, medical attention could be given as soon as possible.
– Ensure that spectators would be informed by public information means about the threats of the COVID-19 and they should have the decision to chose whether to participate in the game or not.
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