#60SecondsWithZalgiris tests Karolis Lukosiunas 0
The Zalgiris TV team is back with another episode of the #60SecondsWithZalgiris blitz questionnaire, as sharpshooter Karolis Lukosiunas answered 8 interesting questions in a minute.
Lukosiunas surprised everyone when he named his favorite basketball player, throwing out the name of another sharpshooter Steve Novak.
While Lukosiunas doesn‘t have a favorite team in the NBA, he was quick to point out the one he dislikes most, pointing out the Golden State Warriors, and how he was rooting against them last season.
Lukosiunas also named his favorite movie and actor of all time, the type of music he listens to, and his go-to meal, and also revealed when his first dunk came into existence.
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