#ZalgirisChallenge. An entertaining battle between Jankunas and Milaknis 0

Two green-and-white veterans – Paulius Jankunas and Arturas Milaknis – faced off in the latest episode of Zalgiris TV’s #ZalgirisChallenge. The long-term Zalgiris duo tried to guess the correct answer of questions about each other’s careers and childhood. For example, both players had to write down Paulius Jankunas’ most memorable foreigner he’s played with in Kaunas.

“We had one colorful bird around here…” – laughed Arturas Milaknis.

Both players also put a pin on the coach who Arturas had the worst relationship with and his favorite shooting spot from long range.

The two had disagreements on who the player to throw most elbows at Paulius Jankunas, as they remembered their former teammate and coach Darius Songaila.

“You all know that Darius was a bit of a wrestler on the court,” – noted the team captain.

In the entertaining episode of #ZalgirisChallenge, the two guys didn’t lack a jolly mood and plenty of banter. Check out the latest episode on Zalgiris’ YouTube channel!
