Zalgiris shuts down Real 68-47 14

Zalgiris Kaunas thrashed Real Madrid 68-47 at home on Thursday in a battle between former continental champions.

Zalgiris improved to 5-19 in the standings while dropping Real to 20-6. Edgaras Ulanovas paced the winners with 15 points and Josh Nebo, Joffrey Lauvergne and Lukas Lekavicius each had 10 for Zalgiris.

Walter Tavares led Real with 12 points and 12 rebounds and Vincent Poirier added 10 points.

Janis Strelnieks and Lekavicius helped Zalgiris to a double-digit lead, 18-8, late in the first quarter. Trey Thompkins stepped up for Real, but Lekavicius and Ulanovas kept the hosts out of trouble, 38-29, at halftime. Zalgiris boosted its margin to 49-37 at the end of the third quarter and an outstanding Ulanovas pushed the lead to 20 as the hosts sealed the outcome early.

Gabriel Deck got Real going with a layup in transition, which Strelnieks matched with a six-meter jumper. Tavares followed a layup with a put-back dunk, but Tyler Cavanaugh and Strelnieks soon gave Zalgiris its first lead, 7-6. Joffrey Lauvergne took over with an alley-oop layup and a mid-range jumper, which capped a 7-0 Zalgiris run. Vincent Poirier stepped up with a layup. Lekavicius, however, hit a floater and followed Paulius Jankunas’s layup with a bomb from beyond the arc, prompting Los Blancos to call timeout at 18-8. Poirier answered with a three-point play to bring the visitors within 18-11 after 10 minutes.

Niels Giffey took over with a put-back layup early in the second quarter. Poirier kept pushing Real and Thompkins struck from downtown, causing Zalgiris to stop the game at 20-16. Giffey downed a stop-and-pop jumper and even though Sergio Llull stepped up with a floater and a layup, Cavanaugh and Ulanovas answered each time with a three-point play for a 28-20 Zalgiris lead. Thompkins followed a jumper with a layup, but Strelnieks and Nebo kept the hosts in charge, 32-24. Tavares hit a jumper and Llull scored again. Lekavicius answered with a driving layup and got help from Lauvergne to establish a 38-29 Zalgiris advantage at halftime.

Tavares briefly silenced the crowd with an alley-oop slam right after the break and soon added a put-back layup for a 38-33 Real deficit. Nebo and Deck traded baskets before a red-hot Lekavicius buried a three-pointer that boosted Zalgiris’s lead to 43-35. Tavares rescued Real with a tip-in, which Cavanaugh erased with a driving layup. Arturas Milaknis banked in a running floater and Jankunas gave Zalgiris its biggest lead until then, 49-37, at the end of the third quarter.

Poirier buried a baseline jumper early in the fourth quarter. Lauvergne scored in the low post and grabbed a great bounce pass from Giffey to throw it down. Ulanovas soon added a three-pointer and a fastbreak layup that broke the game open, 58-39, with less than 6 minutes remaining. Real called a much-needed timeout but kept struggling against the hosts’ aggressive defense. Adam Hanga stepped up with a dunk but he didn’t find much help around. Meanwhile, Ulanovas insisted from beyond the arc for a 61-41 Zalgiris lead. Little changed in the final 4 minutes, as the hosts had plenty of time to celebrate a no-doubt-about-it victory.


  1. 709

    Su pergale! Saunuoliai. Nugaletas ne bet kas,o REAL.

  2. ...

    Real net neatvažiavo šiandien. Kaip toks klubas leidžia sau tokį požiūrį į rungtynes? Matėsi iš veidų, kad patiems gėda net akis pakelt buvo.

  3. Hyper

    super gynyba ! Šaunu !!

  4. Darius

    jau anksciau esu rases, kad net paciais blogiausiais sezonais Zalgiris visada iskovodavo uztikrintu pergaliu pries superklubus ir prasau, turim sutriuskinta Reala, kuris net 50 tasku nepelne. Toliau pratesiu, kad anksciau esu rases, kad niekaip nesuprantu, kokio lygio yra treneris Zdovc, nes komandos sudetis labai jau nevykusi. Bet prasau, antros is eiles solidzios rungtynes Eurolygoje. Reiskia su Monaku nebuvo blykstelejimas. Dziugu uz Zdovca, is tokios duobes pakilti buvo ziauriai sunku. Ir manes nejaudina, nusiteikes buvo varzovas ar ne, cia ju problemos, kad gavo i skura.
    Pradedu tiketi, kad neliksime paskutiniai. Su pergale !

  5. Kaunas

    💚💙💛 iklampino zalgiris Real Kai tai atrode Real sunku buvo matyt strigo. O real atrode uztikrintai laimes atrode be uzsidegimo

  6. Kaunas

    Tokie Kaip Milan unics neuztikrintai zaidus bet sugeba laimet

  7. Zalgiris

    Real tiesiog Strigo savo Sprendimuose Sergio Lullas toks dauguma metimu pramete Rudzio Fernandezo neturejo Huertelio na Zalgiris dabar gali paimti 4 pergales

  8. Aha

    Aciu uz tokia puikia pergale Zalgiriukui, o ir rinktine per plauka istrauke, kaip ir noretusi dziaugtis, bet po tokios dienos kazkaip neiseina, kai sirdi spaudzia del Ukrainos…

  9. Barca

    Isunke Real anergija Nors Real jau anksciau buksavo

  10. Darius

    tik tiek žmonių atėjo į portalą pasidžiaugti ? Juk Kauno komanda įveikė Madrido klubą kaip ne kaip, netgi sutriuškino. Realas 50 taškų nesumetė, manau čia gali būti jų visų laikų antirekordas Eurolygoje.

  11. aisku

    kad dziaugiames, bet sita pergale ne pirmam plane dabar, laikykis Ukraina !

  12. taigi

    Dariau, tu dviveidis. Esi už komandą tik kai ji laimi.

  13. Darius

    ne velnio, as jau per senas keistis, esu uz komanda visada, tik mes ta suprantame skirtingai. Tikrai nesu is tu, kuriems visada viskas gerai ir niekada neprisijungsiu prie tu, kurie dainuoja mes uz Zalgiri kartu, kaip jie zaidzia nesvarbu. Man svarbu

  14. Mazas

    Dziaugsmas atvaziuos Oly barca Efes pilnos sudeties baiksis Reta zalgirio pergale Tokia kai Real buvo Bejegis