Zalgiris falls short in Berlin 8

ALBA Berlin continued its strong trend as it fended off Zalgiris Kaunas 82-74 at home for its fourth win in the last five games.

ALBA nearly wasted a 17-point lead, but put the game away with a 4 straight three-pointers in the fourth quarter to improve to 10-16. Johannes Thiemann led ALBA with a career high 17 points, including 3 of those fourth quarter triples, while Jaleen Smith scored 16 points and both Maodo Lo and Luke Sikma had 12.

Zalgiris saw its three-game winning streak end in falling to 6-20. Tyler Cavanaugh paced Zalgiris with 18 points, Arturas Milaknis chipped in 14 points and Josh Nebo added 12 points and 8 rebounds.

Luke Sikma opened the game with a jumper and Cavanaugh converted a putback at the other end. Janis Strelnieks’s three-pointer gave Zalgiris its first lead, 4-5. ALBA made its first six shots – including a pair of Lo layups – for a 12-5 lead. The hosts went more than 2 minutes without a score and Zalgiris pulled within 12-10. The gap was back to 6 twice, but Niels Giffey and Paulius Jankunas both knocked down triples and the game was even at 22-22. The score was tied again, 24-24, after 10 minutes.

Thiemann opened the second quarter with the first 6 points and Smith buried a triple as the ALBA lead extended to 37-24. Zalgiris failed to score for the first 7:39 minutes until Milaknis’s three-pointer. Smith added another triple and Lo netted 4 more points as the margin swelled to 44-27. Jankunas gave Zalgiris at least a bit of a positive before the break with a three-pointer and the score was 44-30 at the intermission.

Zalgiris had the better start to the second half with Nebo scoring 4 points and Milaknis draining a three-pointer to finish a 2-9 surge to pull within 46-39. Milaknis’s next three-pointer cut it to 6 points only to see Smith answer from deep. Cavanaugh, however, drained back-to-back triples and Zalgiris was within 53-50. The visitors’ attack dried up, failing to score in the final 3:39 minutes and Jonas Mattisseck’s floater just before the buzzer gave ALBA a 59-50 lead after 30 minutes.

Lukas Lekavicius opened the final frame with a triple and the advantage was down to 6 points. ALBA punched right back with 4 straight three-pointers – 3 of them from Thiemann – and the margin was 71-55 with 7 minutes to play. Zalgiris was not done yet as Milaknis made another three-pointer and Nebo tallied 7 points in a 2-13 run to pull within 73-68 with 3 minutes left. Nebo rebounded a missed free throw and dished to Cavanaugh for a three-pointer to make it 77-73. Smith was not impressed as he coolly knocked down another triple with 76 seconds left for an 80-73 cushion. Sikma ended any doubts with a layup with 32 seconds remaining.


  1. Pavarge

    Kaip Zdovcas sake galbut ir truko Sviezumo

  2. Pasidziaugem

    Su Pao laisvai viskas pakrito Su Alba netap viskas sekes Alba tai ne Pao alba labiau buvo sviezesni energesni Pliusas atkovoti kamuoliai

  3. Alba

    Zalgiris 2 kelini suzaide tragiska atkarpa pelnius 6 taskus siendien neviskas visiems sekes Ule reta kad be tasku Lavergne prastai atrode Lukas perskubejo sprendimuose

  4. Sigis

    Dasivijo ir isleido gifaju su jankiu ,treneris idiotas visiskas

  5. Vakar

    Dar Zdovcas vakar klegejo prisisvajojo apie atgauta pasitikejima izvelgiantis pasinaudoti Alba silpnybe 😀😁

  6. Aha

    Gaila, bet Zalgiris, net ir gerokai pagerines zaidima, si sezona realiai yra pajegus iveikti tik tas komandas, kurios turi kazkokiu problemu. Kad ir kaip mes ziuretume i Alba, bet si sezona ji yra geresne komanda, del tos savo sistemos gana neparanki komanda, o dabar dar ir igavo gera forma ir pagavo ritma. Papildomas poilsis ir daugiau laiko pasiruost jiems irgi nepakenke. Gynyba irgi musu nespindejo. Albos pagrindiniai zmones susimete, ka daugmaz ir turejo, o musu du pastaruju keliu rungtyniu lyderiai – JoJo su Ule – buvo tusti. Sitose rungtynese dar karta buvo galima isitikint, kaip svarbu yra daug metu kartu islaikytas zaideju branduolys ir sistema. Gal Aito pakeites jo asistentas ir pridejo kazkokiu savo detaliu, bet esme nepasikeite. Tai Albai ir leidzia sekmingai nugaleti savo lygos komandas ir pasispardyt pries stipresnius varzovus, net ir neturint kazkokios ispudingos sudeties.

  7. Darius

    pralaimėjimą lėmė labai prastas Lauvergne ir Ulanovo žaidimas. Ulia sužaidė prastas rungtynes po kelių gerų, o ilgai sveikęs Lauvergne matyt dar negali fiziškai sužaisti dviejų Eurolygos rungtynių per dvi dienas. Aišku, nesublizgėjo ir Blaževičius, Lukošiūnas, Gifey ir gynyboje visai nespėjantis jankūnas, taigi su keliais žaidėjais kalnų nenuversi ir tiesiog pritrūko jėgų.

  8. ....

    Taip ir galvojau, kad pamatysim tikrą komandos lygį, kai susitiks su rimtai nusiteikusiu varžovu. Real išvis neatvažiavi žaisti, o panathinaikos irgi nebuvo pasiruošę ir be daug žaidėjų. Pamatėm ko esam verti, kai žaidžiam prieš komandą kuri gintis netingėjo.