The partnership between kevin. and Zalgiris challenges us to outrun ourselves 7
Zalgiris Kaunas announces a new partnership with kevin., a payments technology company operating in Lithuania and worldwide.
This partnership is a natural fit as both organizations share a common passion for innovation and leadership in their respective fields.
“We are delighted to join forces with leaders in their field, who started their journey in Lithuania, but have already made their mark in international waters. We also want to draw basketball fans’ attention to new services and innovative payment solutions. The basis of kevin. activities is efficiency, which is one of the most important elements on the basketball court as well,” says Paulius Jankunas, Director of Zalgiris Kaunas.
kevin. is an innovative technology company developing a first-of-a-kind payments network. It allows customers to make payments from their bank account at physical points of purchase as well as online, without changing their payment habits. Founded in Lithuania in 2018, kevin. is now spread across the hubs in Vilnius, Warsaw, London, Berlin, Amsterdam and Dubai.
“Zalgiris and kevin. share lots in common: we both take on leadership, aim high, bring recognition to Lithuania, and value the power of teamwork. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s about payments or playing in a stadium, we both prove that by rethinking what you’re capable of, you can outrun yourself”, says Tadas Tamosiunas, kevin.’s co-founder and CEO.
Zalgiris started to lean into innovations several years ago. An international sports technology hackathon was organized in line with the innovation strategy, which has grown into Zalgiris Ventures company.
naujos paslaugos ir atsiskaitymo budai yra gerai, bet nereikia pamirsti ir senu. Pagal Europos komisijos rekomendacijas ir isaiskinima, atsiskaitymas grynaisiais pinigais vis dar yra pagrindinis tarp visu, o grynieji eurai yra teiseta atsiskaitymo priemone. Visi kiti atsiskaitymo budai turi buti tik kaip pagalbiniai salia grynuju pinigu. Tuo tarpu zalgiris arenoje visiskai uzdraude grynuosius. Taip elgtis gal ir butu galima, jei imone nurodytu priezastis, del kuriu nepriima grynuju
Suvapseti, kad del kovos su seseliu cia neuztenka. Nes jau daug metu butent atsiskaitymas lievomis kortelemis nesa sukciams didziausia nauda. Ar zalgiris nurode priezastis, del kuriu nepriima zmoniu prrakaitu uzdirbtu grynu pinigu ? Kodel jieeilini karta pradejo diskriminuoti zmones ?
Tu ne žmogus…
toj arenoj ka nors pirkti, viskas brangu ir neskanu, alaus nera ( normalaus) , galima ir pries ateinant paskanauti kur nors.
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tau seimininkas grandines nesutiko pailginti, tai losi cia dar labiau
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